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New releases featured in Spanish press


It was interesting, and gratifying, to see one of the stories I wrote for the Gibraltar Chronicle take on a life of its own last month.

The original piece - 'Secret files reveal what Franco's generals thought of 'stupid' Gib blockade' - appeared on the front page of the Gibraltar Chronicle on Monday 20 April. It was based on newly released 'extracts' which had been closed for more than 60 years.

Since that article appeared, it has been translated by the Gibraltar Government and released to Spanish media, along with photographs from grandfather's collection.

It subsequently resurfaced, first in the local Spanish press (Algeciras Al Minuto, Andalucia Informacion) and then on major websites like Publico and eventually, a week after it was first published, in El Mundo itself, Spain's second highest circulation newspaper under the headline: La otra cara del 'Gibraltar, español'

We can only guess what my grandfather would have thought of his photograph appearing in a Spanish newspaper more than 70 years after it was taken!

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